facilitators: Ben & Karyn Young
The Refuge utilizes Freedom in Christ Ministries to equip individuals, marriages, and ministries to live free in Christ and fulfill their calling in life without hurt, guilt, shame, or pain.  The Refuge offers both the curriculum as well as individual appointments to walk out the Steps to Freedom in Christ.

The curriculum consists of completing the 10-week Freedom in Christ video course that corresponds with the Freedom in Christ book or reading one of the following books:  Restored, Victory Over the Darkness, or The Bondage Breaker, all written by Neil Anderson.

The individual appointments to walk out the Steps to Freedom in Christ is really a time with God. It is a chance to think and pray about conflicts or potential conflict in people's lives.  We aim for people to leave the appointment confident that they are totally forgiven and loved and that they have God's help to live for Him.
For more information,  visit