
Pastors & Staff

Jason Toler


Pastor Jason and Liliana were married in 2003 and have been in ministry ever since.  Jason literally grew up in the church pew and watched his parents serve the Lord.  From childhood, Jason began ministering and encouraging people in the Lord.  He has been blessed to travel and minister in 15 nations and has a heart to reach the lost and direct them toward King Jesus.

Liliana was born and raised in Bogota, Columbia.  She was saved at 14 years old when a classmate led her to Christ. She graduated in 2003 from the International Bible College in San Antonio, Texas, where she met Jason on a trip to Indiana with the school's drama team.

Together they desire to bring glory to God and expand His Kingdom on earth!

Tammy Bolton

Women's Pastor,  Women's Bible Study Leader, and
KINEO Coordinator

As an anointed, inspirational and evocative teacher, forged in the fire, Tammy makes no apologies or excuses for the scars she carries; instead she uses them to share her story of redemption to touch countless lives.  Her passionate desire to see women develop a deeper understanding of who they are in Christ has enabled her to minister to women in Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky.  

Because of her journey with Christ, Tammy loves much, always sees the treasure in others, and is graced with a heart to see the broken and walking wounded set free by His Truth.  She is available for one-on-one counseling appointments, home visits, and hospital/nursing home visits.  In addition, she leads the weekly Refuge Women's Bible Study on Tuesdays and is the go-to person for all things related to KINEO Ministry Training.

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Mickey Toler


Mickey and Wanda Toler have been part of The Refuge since its inception.  They have been serving the Lord and working in various ministries for many years.  Mickey is an elder and Wanda is the Treasurer for the Refuge. They have been married for 52 years and have 3 children, 13 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren.  They especially enjoy helping prepare for the large fellowship meals The Refuge provides for the congregation.
Mickey and Wanda Toler have been part of The Refuge since its inception.  They have been serving the Lord and working in various ministries for many years.  Mickey is an elder and Wanda is the Treasurer for the Refuge. They have been married for 52 years and have 3 children, 13 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren.  They especially enjoy helping prepare for the large fellowship meals The Refuge provides for the congregation.

Al Perdue


Al received Jesus as his Savior in 1962 at the age of 15.  He received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at the age of 24 and was called into the ministry at that time. After 10 years as an Adult Sunday school Teacher in Southern Illinois, he got his ministerial license.  He transferred his occupancy with the US Army Corps of Engineers to the Newburgh Locks & Dam and began his ministry as a Youth Pastor for 7 years.  After returning from Desert Storm with the Coast Guard, he began an adult Wednesday night Bible study ministry.  Al has been part of The Refuge ministry for several years.  His goal is to not only teach God's Word, but to live it each and every moment as a witness to His saving grace.  Al and his wife, Donna, presently serve at The Refuge assisting Pastor Toler and the congregation as Elders.

Ben Young


Ben and Karyn have been together over 25 years.  Although they grew up in church, they completely surrendered to the Lord after they met.  Since then, they both have served the church in a variety of areas and are currently Freedom in Christ facilitators and Immersion Service coordinators at The Refuge.  They are also involved in hospitality, security and welcome teams.  They have participated in Samaritan's Purse rebuild projects across the U.S.  as well.  When they are not serving in the church or at Samaritan's Purse, they love the outdoors.  Bicycling camping and hiking are just a few of the things they enjoy.

Matthew & Marcella Shaw
Heath & Jessica Robling

Our Deacons

Jason& Erika Taylor

Reed Richards

Founder & CEO
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Sue Richards

Co-Founder & CFO
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John Storm

Head of Product
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Ben Grimm

Token Hipster
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